How your donation empowers: Rose’s story

As a single mom, Rose was struggling to provide for her family. But you gave her hope and empowered her to give back!

Rose has a heart for helping people. But this time, she was the one who needed help.

“I just recently found out I was pregnant, and I didn’t know what I was going to do,” she says.

As a single mother, it was often a struggle for Rose to make ends meet. Even with a full-time income, the pressure of being the only provider in her household became overwhelming. And now that she was expecting her second child, her uncertainty grew.

“It has been so hard to take care of my daughter. I can’t imagine what life might be like with two children,” Rose says.


Just as Rose was beginning to feel truly hopeless, the company she worked for spent a day at our Holiday Tent to volunteer. There, Rose discovered how much help Metro truly offers to single mothers like her in the community.

A Metro employee struck up a conversation with Rose, informing her about the many opportunities for support you and other generous partners provide people in need.

Finally, Rose realized she was not alone. Everything from nutritious groceries to rent assistance to holiday gifts to baby products are available to her and her family.

“I didn’t realize that Metro did so much for the community,” Rose says.


What started as an opportunity to volunteer turned into an open door for Rose to receive the extra support she needed. She was even inspired to continue serving after seeing how Metro helps the Tampa Bay

“I am so happy that I had the opportunity to volunteer with Metro,” says Rose. “This has been a great experience. I can’t wait to come back.”

Many single-parent households find keeping up with rent or putting food on the table is a huge hurdle, especially in this time of skyrocketing costs. But Rose now knows she can count on Metro when she’s struggling. And in return, she’ll pour back out to her community the love and support freely given to her.

“I want my daughter to experience this,” says Rose. “I want her to have this opportunity to give back to her community and organizations that are doing great things for so many people.”

Your generosity provides parents like Rose with the support they need to get back on their feet. More than that, you empower each neighbor we serve to give back to the community with the same selfless love they received through your giving.

When one person finds hope, they can’t help but want to share it with others. That’s the kind of inspiring impact your giving makes! Your donation empowers women like Rose!