Take the Empty Plate Challenge
Join Chef Cliff…
It has been eight years since I first challenged Tampa Bay to take the simple step of skipping a meal — just one meal — to help feed hungry children in our community. Today, the tough economy is making it even harder for families to put food on the table.
The Challenge is more important than ever.
You’re feeling the pinch of rising gas, housing, and grocery prices just as I am. But I believe you can see how these dramatic increases are putting families already living on the edge at even greater risk. We’re regularly seeing families skipping meals so they can keep a roof over their heads. That’s a terrible choice no parent should have to make.

I believe the Challenge resonates with our generous community because it inspires us to think about others before ourselves — and to take the opportunity to intentionally help someone in need.
That’s important to me, personally, because providing food to people is what I do day in and day out. And it breaks my heart to think that, here in affluent Tampa Bay, people actually face hunger.
That’s why I’m asking you to join me and take the Empty Plate Challenge.
Thanks for all you do to help Tampa Bay’s families in need!
– Chef Cliff VP, Social Enterprise & Food Service
Just 3 easy steps to take the challenge!
- Sit down to discuss the campaign: what your giving goal is, when you want to skip a meal together, and who else you might invite to join you — family, friends, fellow church members, colleagues at work.
- Give an Empty Plate Challenge information card to each and encourage them to join you.
- Skip a meal together . . . and then give the money you would have spent to share help and hope this Thanksgiving.
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